Friday, February 15, 2008

ABC's, 123's, Thank You and Your Welcome....

So Christian is picking up on many new things. He learns really fast. We have been working with him on saying Thank You when he asks for something and we give it to him. Well, here is a great moment we will encourage him to say Thank You- he will say it and then we say Your Welcome. Well just in the past few days well encourage him to say Thank You and instead we get Your Welcome! How cute :) At least he is polite.

Honestly we have not really been working with him on his ABC's but we do sing them with him and he has a few toys that sing the ABC's. He is picking up on them he has started saying ABC and then he just sits and waits and when it gets to the end he starts Y and Z. Now for the numbers we will say Christian give us 5 and he will give us five we count 1 2 3 4 5 he has started counting to 1 2 1 2 3 he doesnt quite get to five but he makes a great effort!!

Its amazing how much they soak up and take in everyday

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