Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bright White & Healthy!

This morning I took the boys to the dentist for their check-up. This was Christian's 3rd trip and Benjamin's 1st. They both did AMAZING!! I could not have asked for them to do better.
Benjamin doesn't he look excited to be getting his teeth cleaned. I think he is really more concerned about the picture that is being taken.
He was a champ! Brush Brush Brush..Benjamin totally suprised me with how laid back he was about the dentist cleaning and looking at his teeth. I was thinking about the how clingy he has been to me lately and how he doesn't like anyone new right now and wondered how he would do but he suprised me and did WONDERFUL (much better than Christian's first visit!=) Christian- He was beyond amazing today. I kept remembering our 2 previous trips to the dentist and wondering if today was going to be a repeat and thankfully it was not. He did such a GREAT job he went right with the tech Jannet and climbed up in the big chair laid down and let her get to work on his teeth. The pictures are so cute one of the techs took them for me b/c I was in with Benjamin.
Loving the sunglasses to keep the bright light out of his face
Christian using the mirror to look at his teeth.

Getting X-rays He even let them take X-rays of his teeth. The turned out great and all of his permanet teeth are there. The only thing we need to pray about is the bottom front 2 teeth are turned and we would like them to move into the right position before they come in but we have a couple of years before that happens. We love Dr. Johnson at Carolina Pedatric Dentistry! I am so thankful that they both had bright white healthy teeth. In the mean time Dr. Johnson said we may want to start saving up for Braces b/c it looks like both boys are going to need them!! We go back in 6 months hoping that visit will go as well as today's did!

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